Dental Implants

Dental implants are the strongest, most natural-looking teeth replacements available! They have the added benefit of preserving the bone structure that is often lost when a tooth is missing, which is one of the negative effects that missing teeth have on your overall oral health.

Tooth Replacement Options

Dental implants are placed by first implanting a titanium post into the bone structure where teeth are missing. It is a minor surgery that can usually be done under local anesthesia. Once the gums have a chance to heal from this surgery, a custom-made crown is attached to the titanium rod as a replacement tooth. These crowns are extremely natural-looking. At a 95% documented success rate, dental implants are far more successful than any other option for replacing teeth.

Single Tooth Replacement

If you are only missing one tooth, a single implant will be placed into the bone structure. The crown that is placed on top of the implant will replace that single tooth. All of the research and patient feedback indicates that this is the most successful treatment for replacing a single tooth. Once the implant is in place, it will never decay or need any additional treatment, such as a root canal.

Multiple Teeth Replacement

Dental implants also provide a perfect solution if you are replacing several missing teeth. You will not need an implant for each missing tooth. Your dentist will create a fixed bridgework that is anchored to other implant teeth. As an example, if a patient is missing three teeth right next to each other, he will not necessarily need three implants. The dentist will place two implants on each end of the gap. He will then place a crown between those two implants by way of a bridge.

Complete Teeth Replacement

If you have lost all of your teeth, implants can replace them all with an entire arch of upper and lower implants that are permanently placed. Depending on the integrity of your bone structure, the number of implants placed in the jawbone could vary from four to six. Not only do dental implants protect the bone structure of your jaw, they also will not slip, and they will likely last for the rest of your life.

Implant-Supported Removable Dentures

If you wear removable dentures, dental implants can make your dentures healthier, more effective and more comfortable. While traditional dentures rest on the patient’s gums, putting pressure on the underlying bone, dentures that are attached to implants will transfer that pressure into the structure of the bone rather than on the surface of the bone. This will keep your dentures firmly in place while you are eating and speaking, and it also aids in preserving the bone beneath them.

If you are interested in dental implants and would like more information, give our office a call today! If you live in the Pataskala, OH area, we would be happy to work with you and answer any questions you may have.

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