Hanby House

Benjamin Hanby, a famous musician and abolitionist, once lived in Hanby House, a historic landmark in Westerville, Ohio. The home is now a museum that gives visitors a look into Hanby’s life and times as well as the larger historical context of the middle of the 19th century.

Benjamin Hanby wrote many of his well-known songs here, including “Darling Nelly Gray” and “Up on the Housetop,” after the Hanby family moved into the home in 1853. With its distinctive columns and front porch, the house itself is a lovely example of Greek Revival architecture.

The house, which has been restored to look like it did in the 1860s, can be toured by museum visitors. The tour guides share information about the house’s past residents and the social and political climate of the era.

The emphasis on the Hanby family’s abolitionist beliefs is one of the tour’s most fascinating features. The family was actively involved in the abolitionist movement, and Bishop William Hanby, the father of Benjamin Hanby, was a prominent figure in the Underground Railroad. Original paperwork and other items related to the family’s activism are among the displays that highlight the family’s dedication to the cause in the home.

The Hanby House offers a variety of cultural and educational programs for visitors in addition to its historical significance. The museum presents lectures, concerts, and other events all through the year that highlight the skills of regional artists and musicians.

The Hanby House’s annual Christmas open house, which takes place in December, is one of its most well-liked activities. Visitors can take in live music, refreshments, and crafts while the house is festively decorated. The occasion is a wonderful way to experience the warmth and hospitality of the Hanby family while getting into the holiday spirit.

Teachers and students can benefit greatly from The Hanby House. For school groups, the museum provides a variety of educational programs and materials, including interactive games and tours. In addition to teaching students about the significance of the Hanby family in the abolitionist movement, these programs offer students a rare opportunity to study the history and culture of the mid-19th century.

The museum also holds a number of neighborhood events throughout the year, such as a fall festival and a summer concert series. These gatherings unite locals and guests from all walks of life, fostering a sense of neighborhood and celebrating Westerville’s rich history and culture.

The Hanby House’s ongoing commitment to preservation and sustainability is one of its most significant features. The museum has put in place a number of environmentally friendly practices, such as the use of power-saving heating and lighting systems and the mounting of solar panels on the roof. These initiatives aid in minimizing the museum’s environmental impact and guarantee that it will continue to be a useful resource for coming generations.

In conclusion, Westerville, Ohio’s Hanby House is a distinctive and priceless cultural landmark. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the mid-19th century and the abolitionist movement should visit this location because of its fascinating history and stunning architecture. The museum’s dedication to community, education, and sustainability ensures that it will continue to be a beloved fixture in the area for many years to come. Why not schedule a trip to the Hanby House to take advantage of everything that this wonderful museum has to offer? The Hanby House will delight and inspire you whether you’re a history enthusiast, a music fan, or just looking for a fun and educational day trip.

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