Brushing Up Blog

Root Canal Therapy


If you’ve ever had a toothache you will agree that it is a miserable experience. How often does a toothache happen when your dentist office is open? It always seems like these emergencies occur at night or in the middle of a Saturday afternoon on a holiday weekend, doesn’t it?

root canalTooth decay occurs when bacteria breaks down the enamel of a tooth. When addressed early on, decay can be removed and a filling can be placed to restore the tooth.  What happens when tooth decay is not addressed?  Over time, unaddressed decay becomes larger and larger until it affects the nerve center of the tooth. Once bacteria perforates into the nerve of the tooth, the nerve becomes necrotic and dies. Aching and pain occurs as the area surrounding the tooth fills w pressure and infection.   A root canal, a procedure that removes infection and preserves the tooth,  is the recommended treatment.

The doctors and staff at Lima Dental Associates are highly qualified to perform your root canal therapy.  Although root canals can be tedious, they are no longer an uncomfortable procedure.  The infection will be removed and the tooth will be saved.

And for those unplanned emergencies, our emergency answering service will contact the doctor for you!  Give us a call at 419-228-4036.

Until next time,

Keep smiling, sharing, and caring

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