Brushing Up Blog

How Does High Blood Pressure Affect Your Mouth?

April 22,2015

A staggering 80 million Americans are recognized as having some type of blood pressure problem. Even more troubling is that a significant number are unaware of their condition. Often a dentist is the first to note high blood pressure in his/her patients.

Lima Dental Associates takes every patient’s blood pressure. The purpose is not to turn anyone away from service but to make sure every procedure is safe!

High blood pressure is a proven risk factor for cardiovascular disease, heart failure, stroke, and renal (kidney) disease. Any stressful situation can increase blood pressure therefore increasing the risk for a dangerous health situation to ensue. Depending on how high the blood pressure is the dentist will decide whether to move forward with treatment.
Lima Dental Associates will also assess your situation and personalize an oral health care plan to combat the side effects of prescribed high blood pressure medications. Symptoms including Xerostomia (dry mouth) and gingival overgrowth are common side effects of blood pressure medications. Dry mouth can lead to gingivitis, periodontal disease, or tooth erosion. Gingival overgrowth makes it difficult to brush and maintain good oral health. That’s why we ask what medications a patient is taking. We can identify any patients at risk of dental issues resulting from medications and provide proper education how to maintain good oral health.

Epinephrine is used in local anesthetics. Epinephrine can increase the heart rate temporarily. If a patient’s blood pressure is already high, having dental anesthetic could increase it to dangerous levels. Having a baseline blood pressure reading allows your dentist to monitor any changes that may occur to avoid any negative outcome.

Healthy smiles and high blood pressure can go hand in hand as long as we work together!

Until next time,

Keep smiling, sharing, and caring!

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