Brushing Up Blog

Headaches, Neck Aches, and Toothaches…OH MY!

Did you know that approximately 30 million adults are affected by bruxism (clenching or grinding of teeth?) Bruxism is most commonly linked to stress and can also be the body’s reaction to teeth being aligned wrong, a side effect of medication, or even sleep apnea. It often occurs during sleep.

Symptoms of bruxism are jaw tension, neck pain, facial pain, headaches, migraines, and even damaged teeth and broken fillings.

Studies show that a person can brux as much as 40 minutes of every hour of sleep and that bruxing occurs in both REM and non REM sleep. Many sufferers will notice a pattern of waking with pain or headaches that gradually diminish throughout the day only to begin again the next morning.

How do you prevent bruxism?

Oral devices such as night guards are commonly used to prevent bruxism. The idea of a guard is to separate the teeth to prevent further damage as well as put less stress on the muscles and joints in the head and neck area.

A common device used to treat clenching and grinding is the NTI (Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Suppression System). The NTI was developed by a California dentist, James Boyd, DDS. Having suffered chronic, daily headaches and frequent migraine attacks for several years. The NIT-tss is indicated for migraine prevention. Its patented design keeps your canine and back teeth apart. This separation minimizes the intensity of your nighttime clenching.

The NTI is a small, clear night guard that fits over the front teeth. It is comfortable, easy to wear, and won’t trigger gag reflexes
Even better is how easily they are made. We can make an NTI device for our patients in a matter of minutes while they sit right in the chair.
We encourage you to talk to your dentist if you think you could benefit from a NTI.

Until next time,

Keep smiling, sharing, and caring.

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